About Us
Our Vision
Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia ō tatou māhi
“Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work”
Our vision is to collaboratively nurture our children/tamariki alongside family/whānau and the wider community to be confident and emotionally intelligent leaders while embracing their uniqueness so they will have a positive impact upon society both now and in the future.
Guiding Principles
He mana tō te tamaiti
“The child is powerful”
The principles that guide our actions and lay the foundation of trust, mutual understanding and respect:
Children are at the heart of everything we do.
We work collaboratively with family/whānau and the wider community as our primary partners.
We acknowledge, embrace and celebrate diversity amongst our children, teachers, whānau and the wider community
We strive for excellence to provide the best quality care and education for our children and collaborative, professional and rewarding experience for the parents

Our Vision
“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.” - Gandhi
Our values that inform our thoughts, words and actions are:
Ngākau pono
We do what is RIGHT.
Mahi tahi
We work as ONE for children, parents & communities.
Te kawenga takohanga
We OWN our actions and make it happen
We VALUE every voice and bring views together
We strive to be BEST and help people progress
Come and visit one of our Brightlands Childcare Centres for yourself: tour the rooms, and meet some of our teachers. We offer high quality early childhood education and care.
Phone Number
07 849 6868 (Hamilton)
09 218 4993 (Auckland)
021 678 287 (Operations Manager)